Store Series S-26

The S26 series is an extension of the S25 series but with a return to the smaller [3mm] serial numbers. The serial numbering picks up where the previous series left off.

The S26's still used the 1996 BABN S20 plates.

This is the last series of CTC coupons with the printers name on the bottom of the reverse of the coupon.

The S26 series also continued the new insert-style replacement notes with a block of replacement coupons just above the regular coupon range.

Only the 5¢ &10¢ coupons were issued in this series.

Issue Date:
2001 [Collector: Vol. 11, #4, Page 63]
Stanley Pasternak / Wayne Sales
BABN [British American Bank Note]
Square, Coloured on Bottom Right White Square
Serial #:
2-On Reverse: Black, Small [3mm] 10-digit, 2 Prefix
There are no documented varieties in the Bilodeau
Bilodeau # Prefix Denom Colour    
Description/Comments Serial Number Grade
S26-B 2 5¢ Green
Standard Coupon 2005874667 UNC
S26-C 2 10¢ Red
Standard Coupon 2029087467 UNC
S26-Ba 2019 5¢ Green
Replacement Coupon 2019026895 UNC
S26-Ca 2040 10¢ Red
Replacement Coupon 2040144133 UNC